Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Day 2

A Little Lost
The Intake:
Breakfast: I ran out the door like crazy so...water + a few almonds
Lunch: Romaine lettuce, turkey slice, 100 calorie guacamole, 1 tbsp hummus, tomato + Juice
Dinner: Romain lettuce, taco meat, pico de gallo, 100 calorie guacamole, salsa
Snack: Honey Tangerine, Almond Mix

The Output:
CROSSFIT - None - Killer headache
Toting kids to the local special olympics to cheer their cousin on...all 4 of them...through a gym and up stairs and down stairs and through the parking lot while wearing my youngest.  That counts for something right?!?!

Day 2 - I woke up with a horrible headache today.  I was sneezing a little so I thought maybe it was due to allergies messing with my sinuses causing a headache but as the day wore on I realized that this was a headache like I hadn't experienced in years.  It hurt so badly that it almost made me unable to function.  I really thank God for my oldest who was there to help with everything...don't know what I would have done without him. :)  I'm thinking the headache was related to detox because of my eating changes or I didn't hydrate enough.  It didn't go away until I took some tylenol.  I've been drinking lots of water so I'm ready for tomorrow!  So, Day 2 - 1lb down!

I'm going in for the 5:30 class tomorrow morning!

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